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honda camino DX

Talk in english about Honda Camino PA50 Hobbit mopeds

Moderator: -Camino Crew-

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honda camino DX

Post by scooter1 »

Hi i am new to the site and have a camino dx in mint condition, however it has been stood for a long time and the tank went rusty resulting in a pin hole or two near the filler spout,this problem has now been resolved and i have resprayed the tank. I removed the decals before spraying and am now looking to purchase replacements. Can anyone tell me were i could buy some.
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Re: honda camino DX

Post by camino_expert »

decals are in replika in a few shops for sale

i can give you a few links

of can you set a photo for wich decals you want please ?
a photo of your moped would be nice also

the wallarooshop you have to call


he does not reply much on mails

but if you call him after 14 hours in the week he reply's

of another one

better cal but of mail him on his site
but he is now in vacation

the wallarooshop is open after 14 h

good luck
and any questions
honda camino forever
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