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Problem installing the Malossi racing gears

Talk in english about Honda Camino PA50 Hobbit mopeds

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Problem installing the Malossi racing gears

Post by Caminonorway »

Hello everyone ! im from norway so i will try my best to explain the problem.

I just got my malossi racing gears, (yes they have started making them agian) And i used the guide on this forum to install it, but i got this problem, when the gearbox is going to "change" to the last gear ( the new gear) it just jumps in free and i cant do shit until det speed gets lower, so i can just ride on the first gear, can anyone tell me whats wrong, i really need to fix it :)
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Re: Problem installing the Malossi racing gears

Post by camino_expert »

check pb :wink:
honda camino forever
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