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Camino komt niet op toeren

Talk in english about Honda Camino PA50 Hobbit mopeds

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Camino komt niet op toeren

Post by shikonta »

Beste allemaal,

Ik heb pas mijn camino na 3 jaar stilstand (in weer en wind) terug aan de praat gekregen. Nu, hij start met 1 duwtje en het blokje draait dan soepel. Als ik hem in fietsstand zet gaat hij perfect hoog in toeren zoals het hoort. Echter, wanneer ik zelf rij blijft de motor op een laag toerental en haal ik max 20km/h. (koppeling ? carbu?)

Dank voor de hulp!
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Re: Camino komt niet op toeren

Post by knutnukem »

Hi Shikonta!
Hope I understood your post correctly (I'm German and only understand a little Dutch; that's why I use the international forum here), but I guess I had similar problems. If you're curious, check my post "Lack of top speed?".
I would proceed as follows: if the fuel had been in there for 3 years, you should empty the tank and add fresh fuel. Unscrew the fuel tap (that thing with the fuel filter attached) and let the old fuel run out. You can check for rust and dirt particles at the same time if you let the fuel run out through a coffee filter. If you see rust and/or dirt, you should clean the tank because this can clog the filters and the carburetor. Also you may want to clean the fuel filter and the fuel hoses or replace the filter if it is really dirty.
With fresh fuel and no dirt, check the setting of the air screw (located on the right side behind the top plastic cover; the left screw is for adjusting the idle speed and the right one adjusts the fuel/air mixture): warm the engine up by driving for at least 5 minutes, then turn the right screw this way and that way to achieve the highest RPM; then you may want to lower the idle speed using the other screw.
If that does not help, check the exhaust pipe. I replaced mine (an original one) because even though it had been heated up to red hot (poured Diesel in and set it on fire) and blown clean then with compressed air I suspected there was still too much dirt inside. Got an "almost original" new one for 35 euros (see my post for details) and that did most of the trick for me.
Personally, cleaning the carburetor would be the last thing I would try because I have two left hands and it does not appear to be that easy (for me) to get the carburetor out and back in again. It can well be that cleaning the carb helps, but as I said: that would be the last thing I personally would check, due to the effort, and hope the problem is somewhere else.
The clutch (I guess that's the "koppeling") or the variator (automatic gears) should probably not be the problem.

Good luck!
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Re: Camino komt niet op toeren

Post by GoBieN »

I think Knutnukem makes a good case. Although I think at one point you'll have no other choice than to clean the carburetor. That is the part of an old Camino that usely needs some maintenance, together with the rusty tank.

PS: Als je liever in het Nederlands hulp krijgt, plaats dan je vraag in het Honda Camino Opknappen gedeelte. Succes.
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